John Paul Manship

(1927 - 2000)

The only son of Paul and Isabel Manship, John created his own residency abroad as an itinerant painter, traveling throughout Europe following his graduation from Harvard in 1948. He settled in Rome for a time and later New York City and Gloucester, MA. Following his father’s passing, John Manship and his wife Margaret Cassidy continued to summer at Starfield, where they eventually lived full time, and continued to engage with the artist community on Cape Ann. John was a prolific painter, often painting two or three paintings a day. He described himself as a “portraitist of places” and was especially fond of painting his Cape Ann surroundings.

Ice skater on Quarry
1979, oil on canvas

Summer Pastime’s
~1970, oil on canvas

Butmans Quarry.
~1980, oil on canvas

Canneys Quarry
~1980, oil on canvas