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Manship Artists Residency is partnering with the National Sculpture Society to offer a two-week residency stay to a sculptor in 2025. This residency is named in honor of the late sculptor Walker Hancock.


Preference will be given towards an artist who is both a working sculptor and a teacher and who has dedicated themselves in some way to the service of their community. The sculptor-in-residence (‘SIR’) must be available to live and work at the Manship Artists Residency for the duration of the residency. Residency candidates must be citizens of, or residents in the United States with a social security number. The residency is awarded without regard to sex, ethnicity, or religion.

The selected sculptor will receive:

  • Two weeks lodging at the Manship residence
  • $2,000 cash award from the National Sculpture Society

The deadline for the 2025 Walker Hancock Sculptor-in-Residence application is February 25, 2025. To learn more and to apply to this residency program, please visit the National Sculpture Society website.

Past Recipient

2024 Morgan Dummit

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